Neve Michael experienced an unexpected increase in expenses to keep the children safe And occupied during the lockdown. Now we are afraid of another side effect of COVID-19.
As we are experiencing some difficulties with our donation page, please donate through friendsofnevemichael.com website.
During lockdown, Neve Michael experienced an unexpected increase in overtime payment for staff, increased food expenses, purchase of disinfectants and protective materials and an increase in cost of activities and workshops to keep the children occupied during the lockdown.
Now we are afraid of another side effect of COVID-19.
Neve Michael’s children have suffered various types of abuse. They arrived at Neve Michael with all levels of anxieties, depression and post trauma stress disorder (PTSD). Thanks to the therapeutic treatment at Neve Michael, they are working on overcoming “their ghosts of the past.”
However, we are very concerned that today’s COVID-19 situation will cause our children at risk to experience a loss of control. The lack of routine and enforced home isolation are dangerous triggers that may affect their behavior.
David* is 12 years old and his mother died of a drug overdose when he was 6 years old. His father is in jail and hasn’t seen him in six years.
“I am not afraid of the corona virus. I feel safe and happy being in Neve Michael.”
Michal* is 16 years old and came to Neve Michael 10 years ago. She witnessed her father slicing her mother’s throat during a fight.
“I am scared that I will get the corona virus. Sometimes at night, I start to shake and I cry.”
Together, we will help Neve Michael’s children overcome the many, difficult challenges of COVID-19.
As we are experiencing some difficulties with our donation page, please donate through friendsofnevemichael.com website.