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Shana Tova

Dear friends,

The children of Neve Michael need your support now more than ever. Donations are down, our children require more therapeutic care and COVID-19 has brought unexpected high expenses.

Together, we will be able to continue giving Neve Michael’s children a loving place that they call HOME. Any contribution would be greatly appreciated and donations in the USA are tax-deductible.

We would like to wish you and your families a healthy, sweet and good New Year.



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Shana Tova

Dear friends,

The children of Neve Michael need your support now more than ever. Donations are down, our children require more therapeutic care and COVID-19 has brought unexpected high expenses.

Together, we will be able to continue giving Neve Michael’s children a loving place that they call HOME. Any contribution would be greatly appreciated and donations in the USA are tax-deductible.

We would like to wish you and your families a healthy, sweet and good New Year.


